Saturday, October 3, 2009

Simran Sethi's Presentation

I wasn’t very impressed with Sethi’s presentation on Tuesday. I felt that she only focused on the negative things about LA’s environment and that she didn’t offer many solutions to the problems. Her speech didn’t affect me at all or influence me to pursue any environment-saving endeavors; it just made me annoyed with the way she approached the topic. The aspects that I liked most about the presentation were the two videos she showed us. Although they still focused on problems without many insightful solutions, at least we got to actually see the problems instead of just hear her talk about them. By seeing all the families living right next to the polluted oil refineries, Sethi was able to show how detrimental the environment is to many people in LA. If she were to give this presentation again, I would suggest to her that she should devote more of her speech to discussing solutions to the problems. Even though we know there isn’t a concrete list of specific actions we should take to help the environment, she should at least give her own opinion as to what methods she thinks work the best.


  1. I could not agree with you more. I understand what she was trying to do, but she unfortunately was not successful in her endeavor. Instead of affecting us students on a personal level, she did the exact opposite by causing confusion. I also think that the movies were the redeeming factor. It is unfortunate the poorer people are forced to live in these dismal conditions and that these factories are allowed to emit toxins into the air.

  2. I agree that she gave problems without solutions. The whole purpose of the speech was for students to be motivated to action on helping the environment, but without discussing solutions, students were left with nothing to work off of. Sethi should at least point us in some direction as to where to start so that we are not completely lost.

  3. I agree with your post in many ways. I definitely do agree that she focused on the negative aspects of the environment too much, and not enough time on things that we can actually do. I would also have to agree with you on liking the videos. I think those were the best part of her presentation.
